Thursday, February 24, 2011

We Have Moved!

As you have been aware I have had a severe problem with my server for my website.  But I was able to move the website to Intuit for Small Businesses.  I am rebuilding the site slowly but surely.  But one good thing has come out of this hectic move.  I am now able to have my blog connected to my website.

My old server kept promising me the ability to do a blog but never came through.  Now I don't have to have my blog on blogspot while my website is elsewhere.  So this is our last post for this site.  You can reach my new blog through my website at and click on blog.

This move also allows my readers access to the latest payroll news without having to go to another website. 

Thank you for your readership and I hope you follow me to our new location.  I will leave the RSS feed for the DOL and this blog up for a couple of months to allow time for everyone to find us.

1 comment:

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