Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm Tagged as a Spammer but Not Those Who Sell Drugs!

I cannot believe what happened to me this morning.  My guy who runs my server notified me that my website was taken offline for spamming!  Now you will have to see how ridiculous this is when I tell you that I have not sent out a mass e-mail in over a month.  I use Constant Contact which allows anyone to opt out of my list and does not allow me to add them back in even if they want to.  So how did I get labeled a spammer??

Simple.  My name and website were listed on an advertising e-mail sent out by Thompson Publishing to advertise an upcoming webinar in which I was the speaker.  Someone took my name and website off of the advertisement and reported me instead.  So although I am totally innocent, I am the one who has to suffer with my website being shut down because somebody decides to complain about something I had no control over...  and people complain about government taking away things.  I don't even get to defend myself.

The server people won't even listen to my side they just shut me down.  So now I know what I should do.  So for all those people who send Russian women wanting to sleep with me e-mails, and performance enhancing drugs for my husband please contact me and let me know how you keep from being labeled a spammer.  I will play by your rules instead.

So please be patient while I am trying to get my website back up.  I will be posting again on Monday for some year-end tips.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy New Year Changes

I hope everyone had a great new year celebration.  And as they say with the new year comes new challenges and changes.  This is especially true for me.  I am in the midst of relocating my offices to better serve my clients.  Expansion is great but also nerve-wracking with all the logistics of what to move when so you can keep the business flowing!  But when it is all over I will have a wonderful new office in which to work.

So blogging for the new year will begin next week.

Of course keep checking out our website for the latest information on the new year changes such as wage bases and rates.  And check out our facebook page for the latest updates as well.

Now might be a good time to follow us on Twitter.  You never know what lies around the corner in a new year.