Thursday, February 24, 2011

We Have Moved!

As you have been aware I have had a severe problem with my server for my website.  But I was able to move the website to Intuit for Small Businesses.  I am rebuilding the site slowly but surely.  But one good thing has come out of this hectic move.  I am now able to have my blog connected to my website.

My old server kept promising me the ability to do a blog but never came through.  Now I don't have to have my blog on blogspot while my website is elsewhere.  So this is our last post for this site.  You can reach my new blog through my website at and click on blog.

This move also allows my readers access to the latest payroll news without having to go to another website. 

Thank you for your readership and I hope you follow me to our new location.  I will leave the RSS feed for the DOL and this blog up for a couple of months to allow time for everyone to find us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2012 Budget a Big One for Payroll Items

The proposed budget for 2012 has a great number of payroll related items.  This one really needs watching carefully.

1.  President Obama is proposing to increase the FUTA taxable wage base.  It has been $7,000 for as long as I can remember.  His proposed amount is $15,000.  This would also affect any states, such as California, that use the current federal wage base.  States are still free to set their own wage bases but can not go below $15,000 if this passes.

2. The FUTA surcharge of 0.2% which has been renewed since the early 1990's would be made permanent.  Which actually makes it alot easier in the long run.

3.  The FUTA rate will be lowered from 0.8% to 0.38%.  This is after the permanent extension of the surcharge takes effect.

4.  The IRS will finally be allowed to issue guidance on the proper classification of workers. This would be very helpful to know how they are looking at the regulations instead of being "neutral".

5. The lower penalties for misclassification of workers would be retained.  But smaller employers would get more relief from the penalties if they filed the proper 1099's and agreed to reclassify the worker for the future.

6. Independent contractors who receive at least $600 per year would be able to request withholding from their payments. They say this is for the convenience of the service provider but I think its to try and get more taxes paid up front.

7. E-verify is going to be enhanced.  I think this one is to help get the bill passed as it deals with the "concern" of the conservatives about immigration and illegal workers.

8.  Reporting wages to Social Security will be increased from the current annual requirement to quarterly.  It is kind of like when we use to report wages quarterly with our Form 941s.  It appears they want to go back to that again.

This budget process needs to be carefully watched this time around.  These proposals will create more work in payroll especially if the extra reporting is passed.  We will keep you informed as the budget process progresses.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Payroll Website Back on Track

Well good news for a change.  I was able to transfer my domain name from the vendor that was holding it hostage for spamming when I didn't even send out the e-mail in question.  And I didn't have to pay them anything.  I signed up with a new vendor--Intuit for small businesses.

 That's the good news.  The bad news is that they do not accept the programming  of my old website.  So after $1800 spend and six months invested I have to start over from scratch and rebuild the website. So I am!

I don't see any sense in dwelling on the past so as we in payroll often have to do--just get it done.  My web address is the

Right now the site is under construction so I am able to get the daily news on but little else for at least a couple of weeks.  But at least my readers will have access to payroll information again.

I actually plan on building a better website since I am not restricted by what the programmer can comprehend on how payroll works! Trust me that was difficult to translate at times.  We will have daily news of course from the IRS, states, DOL etc.  But also we will be able to set up our blog directly off the website rather than using blogspot.  So look for changes there as well.

Visit us if you get a chance over the next several weeks.  I think you will find the website useful and informative.

Now back to programming...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taxing Nonresident Aliens

The IRS is reminding us in Notice 2011-12 that taxing the wages of nonresident aliens has returned to the old method.  The extra steps used in 2010 because of the change to the tax tables because of the Recover Act no longer applies.

 Basic info can be found in the Circular E.  The main information can be found in Notice 2011-12 on the IRS website and it will appear in the Internal Revenue Bulletin 2011-8 which is dated Feb. 22, 2011.

You now add the amount listed on the chart for 2011 to the employee's wages and then use the percentage tables or wage bracket tables as usual. Make sure to deduct the amount added from the chart before computing any other taxes such as social security or Medicare.  The amount is not wages, is not income to the employee and does not appear on the Form W-2.  The additional amount is simply an adjustment to the tax chart.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm Tagged as a Spammer but Not Those Who Sell Drugs!

I cannot believe what happened to me this morning.  My guy who runs my server notified me that my website was taken offline for spamming!  Now you will have to see how ridiculous this is when I tell you that I have not sent out a mass e-mail in over a month.  I use Constant Contact which allows anyone to opt out of my list and does not allow me to add them back in even if they want to.  So how did I get labeled a spammer??

Simple.  My name and website were listed on an advertising e-mail sent out by Thompson Publishing to advertise an upcoming webinar in which I was the speaker.  Someone took my name and website off of the advertisement and reported me instead.  So although I am totally innocent, I am the one who has to suffer with my website being shut down because somebody decides to complain about something I had no control over...  and people complain about government taking away things.  I don't even get to defend myself.

The server people won't even listen to my side they just shut me down.  So now I know what I should do.  So for all those people who send Russian women wanting to sleep with me e-mails, and performance enhancing drugs for my husband please contact me and let me know how you keep from being labeled a spammer.  I will play by your rules instead.

So please be patient while I am trying to get my website back up.  I will be posting again on Monday for some year-end tips.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy New Year Changes

I hope everyone had a great new year celebration.  And as they say with the new year comes new challenges and changes.  This is especially true for me.  I am in the midst of relocating my offices to better serve my clients.  Expansion is great but also nerve-wracking with all the logistics of what to move when so you can keep the business flowing!  But when it is all over I will have a wonderful new office in which to work.

So blogging for the new year will begin next week.

Of course keep checking out our website for the latest information on the new year changes such as wage bases and rates.  And check out our facebook page for the latest updates as well.

Now might be a good time to follow us on Twitter.  You never know what lies around the corner in a new year.