Monday, June 28, 2010

New Website for Us

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I have exciting news today.  We are working this week on the final touches for my new website.  So I invite you to peruse my previous blogs for a couple of days while we work on getting the information loaded on the website.

The new site will have my entire 900 page manual "The Complete Guide to Federal and State Payoll Compliance" on it. To make it easier to use online,  it will be broken out by topic.  So if we were speaking of wage and hour law today, you could go to "O" for overtime and find the information you need on calculating regular rate of pay.

In addition to the wage and hour or tax law information contained in my manual, the site will have daily news updates right on the home page.  And it will have a power point reader version of all my presentations on such topics as wage and hour law, fringe benefits, multistate taxation, and child support.

So enjoy our previous blogs, which have some great information for you and I will see you next week..

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